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I write books for kids and teens — both fiction and non-fiction. My books include school readers, library reference books, chapter books, novelettes, novels and a short story collection.

I have had 140 books published so far and there are more on the way.

A number of those books are on the reading list for the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge, the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge and the South Australian Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Books by George Ivanoff

I write books for kids and teens — both fiction and non-fiction. My books include school readers, library reference books, chapter books, novelettes, novels and a short story collection.

I have had 125 books published so far and there are more on the way.

A number of those books are on the reading list for the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge, the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge and the South Australian Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Books by George Ivanoff

I write books for kids and teens — both fiction and non-fiction. My books include school readers, library reference books, chapter books, novelettes, novels and a short story collection.

I have had 125 books published so far and there are more on the way.

A number of those books are on the reading list for the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge, the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge and the South Australian Premier’s Reading Challenge.

Books by George Ivanoff

My latest books are usually available in most Australian bookshops and those bookshops can often order older titles for you as well. Of course, you can also shop online at places like:


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