Michael Pryor launches Gamers’ Challenge

On Saturday 17 September 2011, Gamers’ Challenge was officially launched. Many thanks to Ford Street Publishing for organising the event and to Michael Pryor (author of The Laws of Magic) for launching the book. If you’d like to see Michael delivering his eloquent launch speech, check out the video below.

While the video camera happily captured the whole of Michael’s speech, it ran out of memory just as I started mine. That’s why there’s only that short snippet at the end. Mind you, I think it works.

If you’d like to see some photos from the event, check out the event page on the official Gamers website.

And don’t forget, I’ll be doing a signing very soon at Dymocks in Southland. Come along so I don’t get too lonely. 🙂 Details as follows:

Dymocks Southland, Cheltenham
(Level 3, opposite the food court)
Saturday 24 September