Another Doctor Who post

Last month, a book called Doctor Who and Race was published. I’ve got an essay in it and I’m rather proud of it. The editor, Lindy Orthia, has created a website for the book. I decided that I needed a new publicity pic to accompany my bio on the site — one in which I’m holding a copy of the book. I figured I should put it up here on my own site as well…

I couldn’t resist wearing my TARDIS jacket for the photo. 🙂

And while I’m rabbiting on about Doctor Who, here’s a pic of all my Doctor Who related publications, gathered together for the first time.

Okay, okay… so I spend a little bit too much time gazing at these books. What can I say? I am a fanboy! And I’m excited about being published in these books. [On the off chance anyone out there wants to know more about these books, check out THIS blog post.]

And while I’m being all fanboyish… I’m also really excited about the upcoming Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special… and about the announcement that Peter Capaldi is going to be the next Doctor (Musch as I have enjoyed Matt Smith’s performance, I think the time is right for an older Doctor. Opinions, anyone? Am I right? Or am I right?)… and about the fact that my friend Trudi Canavan is writing a Doctor Who e-novella for BBC Books (see her post about it).

Okay, I’ll shut up now. 😉