Blu-ray Review – Doctor Who, The Collection: Season 12, Part 1: Overview

This box set is a thing of beauty! But there is SO MUCH in it (20 episodes plus HEAPS of extras) that it will take me some time to watch and review it all. Rather than wait, I’ve decided to do multiple reviews – starting with this overview, continuing with one for each story, and finishing up with an overall verdict. So… here we go…

This box set collects together all of the stories in Tom Baker’s first season (all of a which have been previously released on DVD), along with the previously released extras and a bunch of new ones. But is this re-release of stories worth it?

I’d always been under the impression that there was little point in releasing material recorded in low definition format (video tape) on a high def media. But the picture quality on this release is certainly better than the DVDs. (I have all the DVDs, so I did a comparison.) I’m not sure if this is due to re-mastering or Blu-ray format. (Maybe a bit of both.) Whatever the case, it is clearer.

The additional extras are certainly an attraction, particularly for a nerdy, obsessive fan like me.

The packaging is great! Sturdy and visually pleasing, it’s also not over-the-top… so it will fit neatly on a shelf. The included booklet is wonderful, setting out the full contents of each disc, as well as providing photos and additional info on each story.

If you don’t already own the DVDs, then this box set is definitely the way to go. Better quality. More extras. And cheaper than buying the DVDs individually. But what if you already have the DVDs?

I suspect that for me, it would be a worthwhile upgrade, because of the quality and because I adore all the extras… and having new ones is important to me.   🙂   But once I’ve viewed the entire collection, I’ll hand down a final verdict in the final review.

Doctor Who, The Collection: Season 12 is released on Blu-ray in Australia by Roadshow Entertainment.

Catch ya later, George

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