GAMERS’ CHALLENGE released today

YES! It’s finally happened. After months of waiting, my new novel, Gamers’ Challenge, has been released. It’s available throughout Australia in bookstores — although if your local bookstore doesn’t have it in stock, get them to order it in.

If you plan on purchasing it online, please allow me to recommend Boomerang Books. Okay, yes… I write a blog for this store (Literary Clutter), but they really are a fantastic online store.

Gamers’ Challenge is the sequel to my teen, science fiction, action/adventure, computer game orientated novel, Gamers’ Quest (also available at Boomerang Books). For more info about the Gamers books, check out the official promotional website.

Although available from today (1 Sept), it will be having its official launch on Saturday 17 September, 12.30pm at the Richmond library. Want to come along? It’s an open event, so anyone can come along so long as they RSVP to my publisher. More details here…

Of course, now that the book is released, the really hard work begins — promotion. I’ve been doing school visits, library talks and festival/expos. I’ve also been writing lots of guest blogs and answering lots of questions for interviews. Some have already showed up online…

I’ve also got some bookstore signings coming up. The first of these will be at Dymocks Southland (Vic) on Saturday 24 September, 12noon-1.30pm. Please come along so I don’t get lonely. More info here…

And Gamers’ Challenge has had its first review on Kids Book Capers. Thankfully, it’s a good one!

All up, a pretty good start to things. 🙂