George Ivanoff Speaks

I have been meaning to put together some video examples of my speaking for quite a while now. The idea being that librarians everywhere will watch them and immediately be compelled to book me for a speaking gig. πŸ˜‰ Well… I have finally gotten around to it.

This is the first one: “GEORGE IVANOFF SPEAKS about BOOKS” (yes I know… a startlingly imaginative title). It’s actually a little different from those that will follow in the coming weeks. All the others will be snippets from library/school talks. This one was recorded for an episode of Love2Read TV (a project created as part of the National Year of Reading 2012),Β in which various authors talked about what books meant to them (you can see the complete episode here).

So with this vid there’s no audience, just me staring down the barrel of the camera and talking… and, hopefully, not being too much of a dweeb. But I’ll let you be the judge of that. πŸ™‚

So… if you’re now feeling compelled to book me for a talk or writing workshop, you can do so through Creative Net, or by emailing me directly: