KOALA Honours

I still can’t quite believe it, but You Choose: Alien Invaders From Beyond the Stars has been named as an Honour Book in the KOALA Awards for the second year in a row. Thank you, thank you, thank you to all those who voted for it. And, of course, thank you to the organisers for running the awards.

Congratulations to all the authors and illustrators who were shortlisted, who had Honour Books and who won their categories in this year’s awards. I feel very honoured to be among you. The full list of winners is up on the KOALA website.

The ceremony was held in Sydney. I wasn’t able to attend, so they asked me to make a little thank you vid. Of course, I am completely incapable of making an ordinary thank you vid. So, I did this instead…

And just in case you’ve forgotten (or want to revisit it), here’s the vid I did last year…