Podcasting through time and space
Grab your Coal Hill Academy ID, pack your sonic lipstick and strap on your vortex manipulator… it’s time to spin-off through a fracture in the time/space continuum to a live discussion of all things not quite Doctor Who.
If you’re a Doctor Who fan, chances are you’ve heard of the SPLENDID CHAPS podcast. This awesome series, available for FREE, ran during the 50th anniversary year in 2013, exploring many aspects of the TV phenomenon we all know and love. And now it’s BACK!
Each SPLENDID CHAPS podcast was recorded in front of a live audience, giving it wonderful energy and spontaneity. And each episode featured guests along with the regular presenters John Richards, Ben McKenzie and Petra Elliott. I was a guest on the “Spoilers and Surprises” episode. And now I’m BACK!
“Spinning Off into Another Dimension” will be recorded in front of a live audience this coming Sunday at the Bella Union in Melbourne from 4pm. The regular presenters, along with Dr Djoymi Baker and myself, will be talking about Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Class and Doctor Who spin-offs in general. Hopefully we’ll be entertaining about it! 🙂
Wanna come along? More info is available on the SPLENDID CHAPS website and you can book tickets via the Bella Union website. Hope to see you there.
Feb 12 also happens to be my birthday. I ask you… what better way is there for a Doctor Who fan to spend his birthday than inflicting their Whovian opinions on an unsuspecting audience? And boy, do I have opinions. I’m prepared for the possibility of abuse and rotten tomatoes being hurled at me. Luckily, I’ll have my vortex manipulator strapped to my wrist in case I need to make a quick getaway. 😉