Welcome to my DVD review blog

For a number of years I’ve been reviewing DVDs for various websites and blogs (for a complete list check out my reviews page). Now I’ve finally taken the plunge and started my own reviews blog. Why? Why not? After all, I am just a tiny bit obsessed with DVDs — watching them, collecting them, stroking them (Whoops… too much information!).

Starting a blog like this is a slightly scary prospect. No really, it is! I know that most people don’t think of blogs as scary… but writing them, certainly can be. You see, there is always the fear that no one will read them — that I will be putting my heart and soul into posts that will be ignored by all and sundry. Writing a review for an established website is all well and good — you’re guaranteed an audience and distributors are happy to provide review copies — but a new venture like this? Well, who knows?

I write a fairly well-read bookish blog, Literary Clutter, for the wonderful people over at Boomerang Books online bookstore. So I am hopeful of recreating the magic over here and getting some regular readers. Therefore… if you happen to like what you read over here (although, really, there ain’t much here yet… but be patient, there will be), please link to the blog and tell people about it.

I’ve decided to call this blog… [insert fanfare] … [release doves] … [ignite fireworks] … VIEWING CLUTTER! Why? Well, for starters, I have a cluttered mind, brim-full of many interests and much useless trivia. I also have many cluttered shelves, overflowing with books, memorabilia and… yes, you guessed it… DVDs. (And a very eclectic bunch of DVDs they are — from Casablanca to Star Wars; from Parker Lewis Can’t Lose to Pride and Prejudice; from Santa Clause Conquers to Martians to Doctor Who.) Then there’s also the symmetry of having two blogs with “Clutter” in the titles. And I like symmetry.

Now… you may notice that I’ve included “Blu-ray” in the blog sub-title, even though I do not yet own a Blu-ray player. That’s called future-proofing. Researching player models and purchasing one is on my to-do list — hopefully before the end of the year. If anyone has any model recommendations (or warnings), please leave a comment.

Anyway, enough rambling from me. This is supposed to be an introductory post, not a thesis. I’ll be inflicting my first review (of the UK television series Outcasts) upon the unsuspecting Blogosphere tomorrow. And then there will be a bunch of Doctor Who reviews as well as some Charles Dickens in the coming weeks.

To keep track of new posts here and on Literary Clutter, FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER.

Catch ya later,  George


Check out my bookish blog,  Literary Clutter, hosted by Boomerang Books.

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