Happy Publication Day to YOU CHOOSE books 7 and 8. Super Sports Spectacular and Trapped in the Games Grid hit the stores today.

To celebrate I baked a Soufflé Cheesecake. Okay… so it may have fallen apart when I took it out of the cake dish, but it still tasted YUM!

I made it yesterday, so that it would be ready to have with my cup of coffee this morning. [I may have had a test piece yesterday… just to make sure it was okay, of course.]

And so as I sit in my office, coffee in one hand, fork-full of cake in the other, my latest work-in-progress spread out on the desk in front of me… I imagine these two books sitting on shelves across the country, eagerly awaiting someone to pick them up and read them. I feel very fortunate to be in this position.

Now, go away and let me eat my cake. 🙂